Thursday, December 27, 2007

Action Versus Word

Actions or words? It is quite like the question which came first the chicken or the egg? However, there is one little difference between the question I pose, and the former. That difference is that my question has an answer.

They say the pen is mightier than the sword, and I whole heartedly agree. The effect that powerful words can have on the massees is much greater than what a sword can ever do. If you don't believe me, just go take a look at what Hitler or Thomas Jefferson achieved with their words.

However, words without action are useless. I am of the firm belief that actions speak lounder than words. That implementing an idea is just as important if not more than the idea its self. An idea without action is waste. Its like putting on a condom and hoping for sex. Without effort, nothing will be achieved. What makes this even more true is that any one who does one thing and says another is usually remembered for what they DID and not what they SAID.

So I suggest to you that with the finite time you've been fortunate enough to be granted, use it. Think. ACT. Achieve. It is our actions which define us, and it is our actions which we will be remembered by. Consider your fortunes, alwawys know you have a choice, and Act Accordingly.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Right Decision

How does one make the right decision? In some cases it is very clear what the right decision is. There is a clearly immoral consequence if we make the choice opposite of the right decision. If all of life's decisions were this way, it would be quite dull.

It is those decisions that make us think twice, and look back which are the decisions and choices that define us. Most of the time in these situations we know what the right thing to do is. However, our emotions take control over us, and somehow inhibit us from doing this. Whether its kissing someone you shouldn't or taking that job that forces you to move away. These soul gripping, gut wrenching decisions are the most difficult to cope with. Seldom do we make one of these decisions and not look back and wonder "what if". Unfortunately the "what ifs" are usually many. There are several paths we could have chosen, however the unfair thing about life is that we only get to choose one.

So the right decision I guess is the one that you can live with. The one that stings just a little bit every time you look in the mirror, but you can stomach it. I guess eventually you wake up one day and realize you are a masterful composition of various tolerances, and in a weird way I guess you can even call that wisdom.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Sometimes time seems to get lost as if you have no idea where you put it. Its quite amazing really, when this happens because you never think that time of all things can be like this. You never realize that at some point you can see where you are in life and wonder how you got there.

For example, at 5 AM at an airport terminal I wonder when did this happen? How did it occur? Its quite easy to give into randomized sequential chaos that we call life. Its quite easy to just become one with it. It takes great discipline to stand above it, and see control it. Its not something that everyone has the ability to do...just ask the junkie on the corner. There are times, when you wonder why didn't I sleep when I could have, and you convince yourself your a man who seizes the moment. Until that moment becomes so heavy it feels like cinder blocks on your eyelids and your muscles become stagnant.

Time...does get lost. The objective is to try not to lose it too often. It would be nice to be able to have a systematic routine that provided discipline and control in life, but it would also be bland. What to do? I really don't know. I guess seize all the moments you can, and remember them.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


When you learn and you live
and you love and you give,
you start to realize that life's a trying test
yesterday's memories and today's realities
keep our emotions in check, and bring out our best
We try not to let the fragrance of nostalgia
trigger a cascade of thoughts
Yet in the end we are simply what we are
People. With yearnings built in the heart stored in the mind,
and embedded in the soul.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Stank Profile

I've come to the conclusion that although we are all unique as humans, as cultures we have several traits that help identify us and provide a common thread for people of a certain background, creed, or location. I am not a racist, or any kind of ..-cist, however I've realized that different people have different odors...which I like to call the Stank Profile.

Where did this genius revelation come from you might ask? Well, it happened yesterday evening when I was at the Ft. Lauderdale airport Chili's restaurant grabbing a bite to eat waiting for my flight to arrive. I was eating my chips, and blackbean burger, when out of no where a gentleman comes next to me and asks if the seat next to me at the bar was available. It was so I said "Its all yours". I then returned to take another bite into my veggie heaven sandwhiched between to pieces of bread with just the right amount of hot sauce, and it happened. A nauseating odor had infiltrated my nostrils. It was highly repulsive yet familiar. Then I realized, I recognized this odor from the gym. It was the stank of an African-American man-sweat (my buddy that used to spot me at the gym, stank like this all the time after some cardio). In that instant, not only did I abandon my meal, pay my bill, and get out of there, I also realized that we as humans have a stank profile. This is the general profile of odor we emitt when our deoderants and anti-perspirants have failed us. I've narrowed them down to the following:

Indians - A combination of paprika, lemon juice, & diarrhea
Blacks (by this I mean those from the islands as well as Africa...I don't mean this in a racist way) - a combination of sweat, rotten lettuce, & stale beer
Whites (non-jewish) - a combination of burnt hot dogs, puke, and olives
Whites (Jewish) - a combination of spoiled cabbage, wet hair, and mayonnaise
Hispanic - a combination of refried-bean-fart, jalapenos, & Taco Bell meat
Oriental - a combination of burnt-oil, cough syrup, and onions

I hope I did not offend anyone by this, I was hoping to offend everyone equally. Actually, if your honest with yourself, you may even find some truth in these observations.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dirty Balanced Sex

All men are created equal. However, men and women, now that is a completely different story altogether. Living in a modern society with civil and women's rights allows any chap to clearly understand that men and women are not created equal.

There are differences for example in business between men and women, and there are also differences in relationships. For example, a woman may think its okay for her to talk to her ex-boyfriend, but she will forbid her current lover to do so. At the same time there are inequalities in the business world between men and women, where a man may get a certain job over a woman.

Sex is the universal equalizer. Sex is the one place where a man does what he wants to when he wants to and (in most cases) the woman enjoys every bit of it. The "dirtier" it is, the more mutually its enjoyed.

I've realized in life we all keep our double standards, where we want our partners to act one way, even though we don't necessarily act that way ourselves. However, its sex that keeps us going, its sex that keeps us pursuing new relationships when others have failed, and you better believe its sex that allows a man to feel like a man and a woman to enjoy every bit of it. Its exciting, its pleasurable, its a power trip, and most of all if its done right it can even be beautiful. I almost think of it as god's way of keeping the balance, and a tool given to us to pass the various obstacles in the journey of life.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Wonderful Adventure We All Call Life

We dance and we sing,
and enjoy all that it brings
We sulk and we pout,
When we're not even sure what its all about
We think we understand,
and then fate's hand unravels a new path
A path of hope a path of fear,
just when we're sure the inevitable is near
We pray for the safety of our child or wife
but the adventure is not over its a journey of life
Once in a while our bonds are tested
just to ensure our priorities have not rested
We learn from the twist and the strife
that in the end its a wonderful adventure we all call life.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Making a difference

The words sometimes sound like a cheesy slogan. It seems so insignificant the little actions of our lives and what they may seem to be in the ocean that we call life. It seems like there are so many ways to do it. But making a difference is an act of passion. If it is not, well then it is just a cheesy slogan.

I've read some books by some extraordinary people, but the way Mr. Gregory David Roberts has accounted for his life, and the events that make up his life is a testament to the fact that the "little" actions of our lives do end up turning into waves in an ocean of life that sometimes even crash on others to make a difference.

Have I made a diffence? Well after 27 years of existence I like to think I've made some difference. I know I've taught a close cousin how to speak English, which is one of my better differences, and probably one of my worst differences I've made is that I've presented certain people with certain options that they probably wouldn't have had if it were not for me.

I've done many things, some good, and some bad, but nothing as significant as I'd like it to be. The pen is mightier than the sword, and this is an exact truth. The influence of words has formed nations, started wars, and restored order. But all of it can be attributed to somebody who just wanted to make a difference.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sensational Little Feelings

1. When you get up and decide to dance, no matter who is watching.

2. When your favorite team makes the game winning play.

3. When you decide to finally talk to the person you were shy about approaching.

4. The first sip of the first cup of coffee in the morning.

5. The first day after you get over a cold.

6. When your head finally stops spinning after a hangover.

7. The first bite of food when you have the munchies.

8. First paycheck of a new job

9. Winning a fight with a customer service representative.

10. When a song reaches your favorite part.

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Run of My Life

I agreed to help my sister move out of her apartment in Boston. I had to take a bus up there. To get to the bus, I had to take a train. To get to the train I had to drive home, park my car, and then get a ride there. Be that as it may for my sister, I was willing to go thru all the trials and tribulations that lead up to me finally getting a Uhaul and dragging all her stuff down to wonderful New Jersey.

Anyhow, with all the hoops and hurdles I had to run thru, I was bound to run late and I did. I couldn't believe how late I actually ran. I missed the first train I had to catch and that set me back by 40 minutes. Which inevitably left me late for everything else I had to catch. So as I was on my second (of 3) trains, I decided I was gonna change my plan. I decided I was gonna take the Path train to the World Trade Center and risk getting to the bus to Boston.

So finally, I had my mind made up. My bus ticket was non-refundable, and if I missed it I'd probably have to buy another ticket, and wait an hour. I got off the train at 5:45 PM at the world trade center, and I had no idea which way the Bus was. I figured I can catch a cab. But like I said, it was 5:45 PM and getting a cab was practically impossible. There was a cop on the street and I decided to ask him if he knew which way Canal Street was. "Yeah, about 9 blocks that way". I took off. With my work clothes on and a duffle bag hanging across my body, I took off in the direction of Canal street. I ran passed people, on the street, jumped over objects, and accidentally hit innocent pedestrians without realizing it with my bag.

"You okay!?" a cop yelled. I said "which way to the Fung Wah bus?" He yelled "Five blocks up that way". Once again, I took off. This time it was worst because I was in China town, so it was packed. I didn't have a watch and couldn't gauge how much time I had, and on top of that it was up hill. For a split second, I decided I should quit and then it hit me that I ran too hard and too far to quit. So I sucked it up, and ran with all my might towards the bus.

I arrived at a red light. There was tons of New York City traffic between me and my bus. I waited, let the light change, and sprinted towards my bus. With sweat dripping dripping down my body and onto my fingers I grabbed my ticket and gave it to the Asian lady. I boarded the bus, looking like I just stepped out of a shower with all the confidence in the world.

I sat down and put my bag down and pulled out an extra t-shirt to dry off. It was in that moment I realized the power of Pushing. In that ironic stupid little moment I knew I had what it takes to get something done. Its a beatiful feeling.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Beauty of Poison

I've come to realize that poison is beautifully powerful. It occured to me today that a single drop of poison can make an entire glass of water lethal. One tiny little drop of poison can completely and utterly affect an entire glass of water.

Then it occured to me, that people can also be like poison (in both a good sense, as well as a malicious sense). Hitler was like poison, but I'd also tell you that so was Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandella. There aren't too many people in this world who are like poison. Like anything else, these people come in different shapes/forms, and of course they can bring about a good or a bad change.

No matter what the case, you have to sit back and at least admire when someone has the ability to do that. When someone can create so much change in a world that seems to be so much greater than a glass of water. Which naturally brings me to my next question. What does it take to be like poison? Is great suffering involved, before great change can occur?

I'm simply of the belief that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if someone goes thru a lot of bad shit in their life, and some point in some way it may balance out and the person can do something truly remarkable. Nelson Mandella, Mahatma Gandhi, and even Oprah all suffered a great deal before they made a beautiful change in the world we now occupy.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Life Lesson: Lauging with the Sinners

I've decided that as I go thru life I'll take time occasionally to share the small things that I learn. I figured I'll call these things Life Lessons, and I hope there are many more to come.

I've realized that in life, it is easier to laugh with the sinners than to cry with the saints. As we tread thru the waters of life, we often realize that laughter makes our lives more fulfilling. However, we rarely want to take time to cry with the saints. Laughter usually means we are in good company having a good time.

However, crying may not suggest so. In my opinion, crying is much more important than laughter. While laughter may give our lives fulfillment, it is crying that gives our lives meaning. Crying makes you realize that you've lost something you don't want to live without. It may mean your in a situation where you are so overwhelmed with joy that the only appropriate response has to be weeping. Crying, is very important. Without it, we'd never know what we stand for, what we care for, and what we live for.

Enjoy life, laugh with the sinners, but please be sure to cry with the saints.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

No Time for Me

In my work, and personal life I'm finding more and more that it's harder to make time for me. I'm also realizing that the more you reflect, the more you do make time for yourself, the better your chances are of staying true to your pure desires and true aspirations.

This little exercise of blogging, may seem ridiculous, but it is very necessary. You need to take some time on a consistent basis to check yourself. Every once in a while, life throws something at you that makes you re-evaluate who you are and what you stand for. Right or wrong, as long as you know where you stand...that's the important thing.

Life is too short to piss away to other peoples desires and appointments. Do your work, know who you are, and don't ever forget that.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Addicted to Wealth

We all want to be wealthy. In some way shape or form, we all want to be wealthy. For some its material, for others its spiritual, and for others it may be something else. But there is something that we all want a lot of. Every once in a while you see something, that reminds you by sending a chill through your spine of why you want it. A nice car, a beautiful woman, or in my case the premier suite at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City.

The place is so big it actually has a fricken echo! I walked into this room, and got the same feeling I got when I watched the movie "Thomas Crown Affair". It was a sensation that went through me, and reminded me that I wanted to be rich, I wanted to be wealthy. You see a lifestyle, and think to yourself....why not me? Well, hopefully it can be some time.

This suite that I"m staying at for work, was a shocking reminder as to why I wanted what I desired. It was an egotistical sense of accomplishment, which I know for me will come with some hard work. In any case, I know the journey will be worth it, because if it feels this good being here for someone else, I can't imagine how good it must be to be here for yourself.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Lucky Breaks

Lucky breaks. What are they? Are they a warning that something worst is going to happen at the expense of your current situation? Are they a sign that you need to change your life because you never know how many times you can be this "lucky"?

Let me tell you, I"ve definately had my share of lucky breaks. To this day, I still can't figure out what it's all supposed to add up to. Have I had my share of shit go wrong? Absolutely. But sometimes it feels like that was nothing compared to the stuff I got out of. In some cases, being lucky to just be alive.

I still don't know what lucky breaks are, but I can tell you I've recently had another one. Does it scare me, that something much worst can happen down the road? Well, to be honest I don't care about anything harmful happening to me, I just don't want anything bad happening to someone I love. I've always felt that I can handle what goes wrong in my life. It's those that you love, whether they're friends, spouses, children, or relatives is what makes it tough for me. I tell you what though...the stupidest thing that you can do, is if your in a situation and you get to not learn from it.

The one thing we're all capable of is learning from our mistakes. If you don't, it only means you choose not to....and maybe next won't be so lucky.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

People Skills

I've discovered when it comes to people skills, you either get it or you don't. I cannot believe in corporate america the number of people I've run into without common sense! Its absolutely nuts. I was once sitting in a meeting and a lady goes "the guy is probably old and crazy with a lot of gray hair and doesn't know what he's doing. Just like my ex-husband". Mind you an older gentleman (who happens to be a VP in the company) was sitting right there!!! Are you freakin kidding me? On the other hand, I've also seen people elegantly manipulate other people to get them to do what they want as if they're puppeteers. I find the interaction between two people so amazing, because you never know what your gonna get. Its just mind-boggling to me how America has the economy it has, with the people that it has. I mean...really? How can this many people contribute to the Gross Domestic Product of a country who have no common sense, and still have the GDP be positive? After witnessing the stupidity first hand, I now understand why people are concerned why other countries may pass us as a "super power".

Although, I think I may have an explanation. I also find it that people who don't "get it" when it comes to people skills, have tools that get them by. Some people play dumb, others are great BS artist and always find something else to blame the problem on, however my favorite are the yellers. These are the people who just yell, regardless of what they are saying. You can say something to them, and they'll disagree with you and yell. After they stop yelling, you can rationalize with them, and re-iterate your point of view, and they'll agree with you by yelling. I find that the yellers are usually people in power because they tend to take credit (also by yelling) of other people's ideas (since most other people are not willing to get in a yelling match).

In conclusion, people need to go by some common sense. They need to respect others, and hopefully we can accomplish more good than harm.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Book Review: The Alchemist

Every once in a while you read a book, and you completely relate to it. You almost feel like your one of the characters in the book, and the story your reading is your own (hopefully it has a happy ending). There are very few books that have ever moved me the way The Alchemist has. The book simply impels you to understand your purpose. They say that when you live your life "on purpose" you are bound to find success and meaning to your daily existence. Many of us, live the lives we settle for. A few of us dare to explore, and even fewer have what it takes to follow our dreams to the end, even if it means failure. This book is simply inspirational, and written in a prose that is implicitly brilliant yet deceptively simple. Just easy words presented and organized in a way that leaves you moved. You can not read this book without letting your mind wander. It makes you question many things that you are doing. Every once in a while, a person like me needs a good slap in the face like this one to realize how precious the time we have actually is.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Movies: Boondock Saints

I recently just watched this movie, which I've been waiting to see for quite some time. I definately thought it was pretty cool. There's definately some memorable lines from this movie, that I'll probably be quoting. Anyhow, I thought the concept was a simple one, that's been done many times before. Viglantes going around killing people who do wrong. However, I think the whole religous element just adds a spiritual dimension to the whole thing. On top of that the two brothers are cool as hell, and seem like they'd be great company at a bar.

The price of success

Many people often claim they would do anything for success. However, I've realized as I grow older the cost of success. Those people who are excellent at what they do, are absolutely passionate about it. One of my favorite people is Michael Jordan. He loved to play basketball. He enjoyed every moment of dribbling a ball and being on a court. What does it cost? Just limited friends, time with the family, and lack of a social life while he was playing. Which makes me wonder, do social networking sites such as facebook or myspace actually help us or hinder us in being successful? From what I can tell, in order to be succesfull at something you have to be absolutely devoted to it. How can we ever be devoted to anything if we're adding new myspace friends, or updating our profiles?

Personally, I think I'm finally beginning to see what it takes to be succesful. Those people who are successful completely committ themselves to what they want to do, and they don't care if you feel bad they didn't attend your social event, because they were working. In my own limited way, those people who I knwo that I would call succesful, basically just worked like there was nothing else going on in their lives, until they could afford the luxury of attending someone's party or social function. I guess its just hard for me to grasp because all my life, I've been the one attending the social functions, and I guess that would be my sacrifice for success. That would be my price for success. I guess, time will tell...

Monday, February 26, 2007

What's Your Medical Specialty?

The medical specialty for you is.... Cardiology

Cardiology is the best of all specialties. As a cardiologist, you'll be sure to profit from the sharp increase in obesity. You'll open at clinic across the street from a McDonalds and retire a billionaire.

To find out what specialty best fits your unique personality, go to:

What Medical Specialty Is For You?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The "Fuck It" Point

I've realized in life, two of the most dangerous words are "Fuck It". Those two words have either made people do extraordinary things, or completely destroyed them. I mean these two words, from the beginning of conscious awareness and civilization have done everything from cause bar fights, to help forge nations. For example, the founding fathers had to make a decision about whether or not to let Britain rule them, and at some point they decided "Fuck It" its our country.

With that said I believe that as we carry on in our lives, we will often reach what I like to call the "fuck it" point. Now, I must give credit where its do, and this dawned on me after I had rad Malcom Gladwell's book "The Tipping Point". I should also mention, that I was running 8 miles which I had never done before, and the runner's high could've brought upon me this enlightenment. Be that as it may, I believe the "Fuck-it" point is where an individual has to make a decision that is critical and the ramifications of how he/she answers this question will be severely magnified. It is the metaphoric fork in the road, but the consequences of the chosen path will either make you or break you. For example, you can be at a party, and be feeling pretty drunk and your buddy offers you one more, and thus you've reached the "fuck-it" point. You can either say no, and probably remember the most of your night, or you can say "fuck-it" and divulge into one more drink. However, in the back of your mind, you know that you drink one more, your not going to stop there. But you've reached your "fuck-it" point, and decided to either go one way or the other, and the consequences can be either immensely rewarding, or gravely dangerous. Usually, if you've decided to say "fuck it" and dive into another drink, the next time you re-gain consciousness you will probably be the butt of a joke, or someone's jail mate.

However, I would also like to say that realizing the "fuck it" point in your life every time you reach one is very critical. Unfortunately for me, I didn't realize these points earlier in my life, which led to some pretty crazy consequences. As an individual recognizing these "fuck it" points and making a SMART decision at these points is more likely to lead you to live a happier life. Now, I want to make clear that the decisions made at these points should always necessarily be the right ones, I'm just saying, its important to recognize these critical junctures. I truly believe that in life, you have to make some bad decisions, in order to appreciate the good decisions you make.

In conclusion, you never know what lies ahead of your path in life, but recognize the "fuck it" points along the way, and at least you'll be consciously aware of the consequences. Everything else, is just an aftermath of the decisions made by us at the "fuck it" points.