Sunday, February 25, 2007

The "Fuck It" Point

I've realized in life, two of the most dangerous words are "Fuck It". Those two words have either made people do extraordinary things, or completely destroyed them. I mean these two words, from the beginning of conscious awareness and civilization have done everything from cause bar fights, to help forge nations. For example, the founding fathers had to make a decision about whether or not to let Britain rule them, and at some point they decided "Fuck It" its our country.

With that said I believe that as we carry on in our lives, we will often reach what I like to call the "fuck it" point. Now, I must give credit where its do, and this dawned on me after I had rad Malcom Gladwell's book "The Tipping Point". I should also mention, that I was running 8 miles which I had never done before, and the runner's high could've brought upon me this enlightenment. Be that as it may, I believe the "Fuck-it" point is where an individual has to make a decision that is critical and the ramifications of how he/she answers this question will be severely magnified. It is the metaphoric fork in the road, but the consequences of the chosen path will either make you or break you. For example, you can be at a party, and be feeling pretty drunk and your buddy offers you one more, and thus you've reached the "fuck-it" point. You can either say no, and probably remember the most of your night, or you can say "fuck-it" and divulge into one more drink. However, in the back of your mind, you know that you drink one more, your not going to stop there. But you've reached your "fuck-it" point, and decided to either go one way or the other, and the consequences can be either immensely rewarding, or gravely dangerous. Usually, if you've decided to say "fuck it" and dive into another drink, the next time you re-gain consciousness you will probably be the butt of a joke, or someone's jail mate.

However, I would also like to say that realizing the "fuck it" point in your life every time you reach one is very critical. Unfortunately for me, I didn't realize these points earlier in my life, which led to some pretty crazy consequences. As an individual recognizing these "fuck it" points and making a SMART decision at these points is more likely to lead you to live a happier life. Now, I want to make clear that the decisions made at these points should always necessarily be the right ones, I'm just saying, its important to recognize these critical junctures. I truly believe that in life, you have to make some bad decisions, in order to appreciate the good decisions you make.

In conclusion, you never know what lies ahead of your path in life, but recognize the "fuck it" points along the way, and at least you'll be consciously aware of the consequences. Everything else, is just an aftermath of the decisions made by us at the "fuck it" points.

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