Saturday, February 2, 2008

Van Wilder - A Great Role Model

One of my favorite movies is Van Wilder. The first time I saw it was right after I got back from Spring Break in college. To be quite honest, that movie did give me a great new way of looking at things.

"Don't take life too seriously...or you'll never make it out alive" is what he said. The movie has an amazing Carpe Diem tone, of enjoying the present to the fullest, but at the same time to not fear the future. Since then, the many times I've been fucked, I always knew that stressing wouldn't do any good. "Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair, it'll give you something to do, but your not going anywhere" another excellent quote. Both things are quite hard to do, and it seems like many people don't understand this.

I'm sure we can all be a little better than where we are, but we all have made a sacrifice to keep from achieving that. That sacrifice is enjoying the present, the moment, the toast, the kiss, the laugh or hug. These are the things that matter most in anyone's life time. You might be able to develop amazing technology, or medicine, but if you can't be happy with how you did it, then what's the point?

So in the words of Van Wilder "You can't treat every situation as life or death because you'll die a lot more than you'll live". Take a moment, be spontaneous, and enjoy what's going on. In the end, its not all about "having what you want, but wanting what you have" - Sheryl Crow.

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