Saturday, February 2, 2008


Betrayal is one of the most difficult pains to deal with. The thing is, true betrayal comes from a place where you never expect it to come from. In the crazy world that we live in, the very cornerstone of our foundation is the people in whom we trust. Trust is not something that should be given away like candy on Halloween. It is precious.

The problem is sometimes, people like me meet so many good folks, that we starts sprinkling trust on everyone we meet. We feel that people can be "trusted" because they're "good people". When one good person betrays you, an entire lifetime can come undone and crumble. However, that is still not betrayal. When trust is broken from someone new, it can still be understood. I mean really, how much can we have entrusted them with.

The real dagger in the heart comes when someone you really trusted - like family is the one who breaks the trust. That is when you simply are so stuneed/shocked/hurt/mad/ and in general disbelief that it leaves you in a state of true shock. I mean, the mere fact that someone so close betrays you is so utterly mind-blowing that the shock does not leave for a while, sometimes ever. The consequences in that moment seem inconsequential. After you finally get over the fact that it happened, then you start realizing how fucked you are. The first two things I've described, I imagine are probably commnon for anyone who is betrayed.

The thing that differentiataes us is what we do after this. Most of us probably start some sort of damage control. I recommend tact, strategy, practicality, and execution. If all else fails, then remember its not the end, and what's gonna happen, will happen. Hope for the best. I hope you never have to go through this. But more importantly please remember how important your trust is, and use it sparingly.

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