Monday, February 4, 2008

The Power of Sports

Today is February 4, 2008. Today is the day after the New York Football Giants beat the previously undefeated New England Patriots in the Superbowl. The final game of the NFL season, and the determining game to crowning a champion for the year.

Those of you who may not know (because you live under a rock), the Giants were 12 point underdogs. They were expected to lose. Patriot players had invited them to their victory party before the game was even played, and maybe worst of all an irresponsible publisher had already published a book saying the New England Patriots had won the game.

What ended up happening was the Giants beat the snot out of the Patriots Quarterback and Golden Boy Tom Brady. His ass got more of a rug burn than from the beating he took by the Giants Defense than Jenna Jameson's knees. The Giants then with 2 minutes left in the game designed a game-winning drive, with one of the most memorable plays in Superbowl history to win the game.

It was quite a game. The amazing thing is that 97.5 million Americans tuned in to watch this game. That's almost 1 in 3 Americans. Now that may not mean much. But today I am at the Chicago Airport and all I hear is people talking about the game. They cannot get enough of it. Everyone is basically saying the same exact thing, but they won't shut up. They still ramble on and repeat the same exact points with different words. Its amazing that one 60 minute sequence of events can have complete strangers making friends and talking to each other as if they've known each other for years.

Some movies never leave our minds, and some books may always be remembered. But there is nothing, and I do mean nothing that will ever bring strangers to discuss and talk the way sports does. Whether you are a fan or not, sports seem to bring out a passionate competitive beast in people and raise that beast to their mouths. Because as much we all discuss what certain athletes achieve, the majority of us, seem to be quite content with just that. In all the chatter of the greatness of these games, I have not heard a single person say "It inspired me to be a football player".

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