Friday, June 6, 2008


I understand that times are tough but I'm starting to notice more and more the existence of "CheapOs". CheapOs are the worst type of people to be hanging out with in a leisurely setting. I don't care what you tell me a CheapO will always be cheap regardless of the economy. I can't take it anymore!

For example, a typical CheapO would join you and your buddies for dinner and drinks, and then when the bill came they'd complain "Well....I only had 4 tortilla chips and 2 mozarella sticks, so I don't think I should have to pay the same amount as everyone else". Let me tell you something....You damn well better pay the same as everyone else! In fact you should pick up the whole tab for being a hindrance to society and a mood-killer amongst your friends! I don't understand it.

I'm not saying I'm made of money or anything, but what I am saying is that if your gonna go out and do this kind of crap, then just don't go out at all. Recently a friend of mine organized a bachelor party for his cousin. He told me how there was about 10 guys and they decided to do bottle service at a club. Of course being a guy, its always better to be drinking with girls instead of your friends inside a club (no matter how good of a friend they are). So my buddy being the guy that he is, invites 10 girls back to their VIP section to join them for drinks. At the end of the night it was all put on one persons credit card. The next day the CheapOs start complaining that well we didn't invite the girls up and they drank some of the alcohol so they shouldn't have to pay the full $70 per head that it came out to.

Are you freakin kidding me! Hey dirt bag, why don't you take that lipstick you got on your collar to a pawn shop and see if they'll give you $70 for it. All I'm saying, is that if you can't put a price on a night out with friends. You cannot tell who had more fun and who didn't. So to try to charge the person who had more fun is just stupid. Why would you do this?

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