Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sensational Little Feelings

1. When you get up and decide to dance, no matter who is watching.

2. When your favorite team makes the game winning play.

3. When you decide to finally talk to the person you were shy about approaching.

4. The first sip of the first cup of coffee in the morning.

5. The first day after you get over a cold.

6. When your head finally stops spinning after a hangover.

7. The first bite of food when you have the munchies.

8. First paycheck of a new job

9. Winning a fight with a customer service representative.

10. When a song reaches your favorite part.

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Run of My Life

I agreed to help my sister move out of her apartment in Boston. I had to take a bus up there. To get to the bus, I had to take a train. To get to the train I had to drive home, park my car, and then get a ride there. Be that as it may for my sister, I was willing to go thru all the trials and tribulations that lead up to me finally getting a Uhaul and dragging all her stuff down to wonderful New Jersey.

Anyhow, with all the hoops and hurdles I had to run thru, I was bound to run late and I did. I couldn't believe how late I actually ran. I missed the first train I had to catch and that set me back by 40 minutes. Which inevitably left me late for everything else I had to catch. So as I was on my second (of 3) trains, I decided I was gonna change my plan. I decided I was gonna take the Path train to the World Trade Center and risk getting to the bus to Boston.

So finally, I had my mind made up. My bus ticket was non-refundable, and if I missed it I'd probably have to buy another ticket, and wait an hour. I got off the train at 5:45 PM at the world trade center, and I had no idea which way the Bus was. I figured I can catch a cab. But like I said, it was 5:45 PM and getting a cab was practically impossible. There was a cop on the street and I decided to ask him if he knew which way Canal Street was. "Yeah, about 9 blocks that way". I took off. With my work clothes on and a duffle bag hanging across my body, I took off in the direction of Canal street. I ran passed people, on the street, jumped over objects, and accidentally hit innocent pedestrians without realizing it with my bag.

"You okay!?" a cop yelled. I said "which way to the Fung Wah bus?" He yelled "Five blocks up that way". Once again, I took off. This time it was worst because I was in China town, so it was packed. I didn't have a watch and couldn't gauge how much time I had, and on top of that it was up hill. For a split second, I decided I should quit and then it hit me that I ran too hard and too far to quit. So I sucked it up, and ran with all my might towards the bus.

I arrived at a red light. There was tons of New York City traffic between me and my bus. I waited, let the light change, and sprinted towards my bus. With sweat dripping dripping down my body and onto my fingers I grabbed my ticket and gave it to the Asian lady. I boarded the bus, looking like I just stepped out of a shower with all the confidence in the world.

I sat down and put my bag down and pulled out an extra t-shirt to dry off. It was in that moment I realized the power of Pushing. In that ironic stupid little moment I knew I had what it takes to get something done. Its a beatiful feeling.