Thursday, December 27, 2007

Action Versus Word

Actions or words? It is quite like the question which came first the chicken or the egg? However, there is one little difference between the question I pose, and the former. That difference is that my question has an answer.

They say the pen is mightier than the sword, and I whole heartedly agree. The effect that powerful words can have on the massees is much greater than what a sword can ever do. If you don't believe me, just go take a look at what Hitler or Thomas Jefferson achieved with their words.

However, words without action are useless. I am of the firm belief that actions speak lounder than words. That implementing an idea is just as important if not more than the idea its self. An idea without action is waste. Its like putting on a condom and hoping for sex. Without effort, nothing will be achieved. What makes this even more true is that any one who does one thing and says another is usually remembered for what they DID and not what they SAID.

So I suggest to you that with the finite time you've been fortunate enough to be granted, use it. Think. ACT. Achieve. It is our actions which define us, and it is our actions which we will be remembered by. Consider your fortunes, alwawys know you have a choice, and Act Accordingly.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Right Decision

How does one make the right decision? In some cases it is very clear what the right decision is. There is a clearly immoral consequence if we make the choice opposite of the right decision. If all of life's decisions were this way, it would be quite dull.

It is those decisions that make us think twice, and look back which are the decisions and choices that define us. Most of the time in these situations we know what the right thing to do is. However, our emotions take control over us, and somehow inhibit us from doing this. Whether its kissing someone you shouldn't or taking that job that forces you to move away. These soul gripping, gut wrenching decisions are the most difficult to cope with. Seldom do we make one of these decisions and not look back and wonder "what if". Unfortunately the "what ifs" are usually many. There are several paths we could have chosen, however the unfair thing about life is that we only get to choose one.

So the right decision I guess is the one that you can live with. The one that stings just a little bit every time you look in the mirror, but you can stomach it. I guess eventually you wake up one day and realize you are a masterful composition of various tolerances, and in a weird way I guess you can even call that wisdom.